Monday 16 August 2021

 The carbon cycle 

Some parts of the carbon cycle happen very quickly, but others take millions of years. Because of this, the cycle gets its ups and downs by that I mean (slow and fast). Earth is made up of 118 elements and one of them is carbon. Carbon can be a solid, liquid, or gas. Carbon can be found in all living things even in diamonds, rocks, and soil.  

Carbon dioxide (co2) is an important gas.  It traps heat in the atmosphere so that we humans don’t freeze to death. The trees and the plants in the forest absorb co2 when they do photosynthesis. Photosynthesis co2 turns into sugar in the plant's cells 

Global warming 

Burning fossil fuels causes global warming, global climate change. Since the industrial revolution people such as humans have been burning fossil fuels such as oil, coal, wood, and gas. All the times we use a transport we are releasing co2 into the atmosphere.

Preventing global warming

Try not to use gas, or chemicals that will pollute the air. Use local transport so that you don’t use one car for just one person but on a bus or a train there is more than one person. That is how you can stop polluting the air from transportation.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent, Sara. Very clearly organised ideas in paragraphs. You have carefully explained what carbon is and how co2 can be a good thing, yet too much of it can be a hramful thing. Great last paragraph.



  There was a very tiny town in the middle of the forest. It was very beautiful. There were tall trees and native plants, birds were flying ...